ClearCom Arcadia Central Station Rentals

We offer Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station rentals in Chicago, the Chicago suburbs, and nationwide.

If you have any questions about a Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station rental in Chicago, suburban Chicago, or nationwide, or to reserve your rental, contact our Rental Team at 847.367.9588 or

The Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station is one part of several intercom systems in our rental inventory.

Arcadia Central Station is a scalable IP intercom platform integrating FreeSpeak wireless and HelixNet wired intercom user stations with Dante, 2-Wire and 4-Wire interfaces in a compact 1RU device. Arcadia’s compact 1RU form factor is capable of mixing 180 audio signals, features front panel intercom user station, fast and easy setup, configuration and monitoring.


TC Furlong offers Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station rentals alongside many other intercom systems and an extensive rental inventory of professional audio equipment.

Contact the TC Furlong Rental Team today to rent the Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station in Chicago, Suburban Chicago, or nationwide, at 847.367.9588 or

Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station Rental Documentation:

Clear-Com Arcadia Central Station User Guide (PDF)